The plateau of Africa
What is plateau?
✓ A plateau is a raised flat topped piece of land.
✓ A plateau is the table like land.
Name the physical feature which covers the largest part of Africa.
✓ Plateau
How as plateau formed?
✓ By volcanicity
Mention examples of plateaux in Africa
Mention any four human activities carried out on plateaux of Africa.
✓ Farming
✓ Mining
✓ Tourism
✓ Transport
✓ Lumbering
✓ Trade
✓ Industrialization,
✓ Nomadic pastoralism
State any four importance of plateau.
✓ It is used for crop growing
✓ It is used for animal rearing
✓ It is used for settlement
✓ It is used for industrialization
✓ It is used for mining
Give any three reasons why a plateau is good for human settlement
✓ It has fertile soils for agriculture.
✓ It has pasture for cattle keeping.
✓ It is easy to construct houses on a plateau.
✓ There is easy transport on plateau.
Coral reefs
What are coral reefs?
✓ Coral reefs are hard rocks formed as a result of decomposition of sea mammals.
State any three importance of coral reefs.
✓ They attract tourist who bring income.
✓ They provide limestone for making cement.
✓ They are home water animals.
State any three dangers of coral reefs.
✓ They hinder water transport.
✓ They cause water accidents
✓ The make landing of water vessels difficult.
Give any two ways coral reefs hinder water transport.
✓ They cause water accidents
✓ The make landing of water vessels difficult.
Coastal plains
What is a coastal plain?
✓ A coastal plain is a narrow strip of land which borders an ocean or sea.
Mention any four tourist attractions found at the coast.
✓ Rivers
✓ Coral reefs
✓ Beaches
✓ Seaport
✓ Oil refineries
✓ Coastal harbours
The rift valley
What is a rift valley?
✓ A rift valley is along depression on the earth’s surface between two escarpments.
How was a rift valley formed?
✓ By faulting.
What do call the steep sides of a rift valley?
✓ Escarpments
What are escarpments?
✓ Escarpments are steep sides of a rift valley.
Give any three characteristics of a rift valley.
✓ It is long.
✓ It is wide.
✓ It has steep sides called escarpments.
Note: The Great Rift Valley starts from Syria in Asia continent and runs through Jordan valley, the Gulf of Aqaba, Red sea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and ends at Beira in Mozambique.
Name four arms/branches of the Rift Valley.
✓ Ethiopian arm.
✓ Malawian arm.
✓ Western arm.
✓ Eastern arm.
Western Arm
✓ This arm of rift valley passes through Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania down Mozambique.
Name the major escapement of the Western arm of rift valley.
✓ Albertine escarpment
Eastern arm
✓ It passes through Kenya and Tanzania down to Mozambique.
Name the longest arm of a rift valley.
✓ Eastern arm
Name the major escapement of the Eastern arm of rift valley
✓ Mau escapement.
Ethiopian arm
✓ The Ethiopian arm of a rift valet originates from the Ethiopian highlands to the Red sea.
Name the major escapement of the Ethiopian arm of rift valley.
✓ Mega escapement
Malawian arm
✓ It passes through Malawi to Mozambique.
Mention any four economic activities carried out in the rift valley.
✓ Farming
✓ Tourism
✓ Bee keeping
✓ Mining
✓ Fishing
✓ Animal rearing
Name the major economic activity carried out in rift valley.
✓ Bee keeping
Give any four problems faced by people living in a rift valley.
✓ Landslides
✓ Soil erosion
✓ High temperatures
✓ Poor transport
What causes high temperatures in rift valley?
✓ Low altitude
How is a rift valley economically important to people?
✓ It attracts tourists who bring income.
✓ It has lakes which act as fishing grounds.
✓ It is used for bee keeping.
✓ It has fertile soils for crop growing.
✓ It has pasture for animal rearing.
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