Effects of Direct Rule in Tanganyika Direct rule in Tanganyika had both positive and negative effects.
Direct rule led to the rise of nationalism whereby Africans started organising themselves into revolutionary movements to struggle for their independence.
Western civilisation was promoted, for schools and churches were constructed by the colonialists. This reduced the power of African cultures and customs, thus African traditional values were ignored.
The German colonialists realised that commerce was not adequately developed in Tanganyika. They emphasised economic progress through the growing of coffee, sisal, cotton, and rubber. These helped to
develop Tanganyika.
Many African chiefs lost their powers and were replaced by the Akidas and the Jumbes from the Coast. These chiefs lost their livelihood and authority.
Africans, including chiefs, were beaten and humiliated through public flogging and beating by the Akidas and the Jumbes. This led to dehumanisation of the people of Tanganyika.
As resentment against the Akidas and Jumbes increased, the people rebelled against the colonial system. See Figures 1.6 and 1.7 below. Movements like the Hehe Abushir, and the Maji Maji, rose to rebel
against their colonial masters. However, most of these rebellions were defeated by the colonialist, at the cost of many African lives and property.
Direct rule in Tanganyika was eventually abandoned in 1904 because it faced a lot of resistance. As a result, indirect rule was adopted, because it had successfully worked in Kenya and Uganda.
Indirect and direct rule had a big impact on the population and economy of East Africa. The development of the health and education sectors, as well as the current decentralisation system in Uganda can be traced to the colonial administrative systems.
Instruct the learners to form groups and do the activity given to them in the Learner’s Book. Task them to visit the library or use other relevant books in the library to find answers to the activity given to them. Reference books and internet links should be availed to the learners. Discuss with the learners to establish
their understanding of colonial administrative
systems and their effects in East African states.
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